Monday, February 7, 2011

Historical Moment

If I could be transported to any historical time period I would choose to be transported to be Hitler at the beginning of his reign. I would choose to change the courses of history by changing what Hitler had done. At the beginning, instead of making concentration camps I would make work camps for people who need financial aid. Instead of taking over Poland I would ease tensions with them as well as with Britain and France. As Hitler, my job would be to make sure everyone in my country had food to eat and some kind of shelter. I would not be prejudice but make my country multicultural and welcoming to all that visit. I would have people help each other especially for the younger generations to be well educated and nourished. I would have meetings with other countries leaders to discuss what we can do as Nations to help each other and create more wealth for a better living standard for everyone. Everyone in my country would be happy, happy because everyday there is something to look forward to, unlike the never-ending war. Every child would be safe to play in the streets because there would be no crime. I, as Hitler would make sure there is fair justice. No man, woman, boy, or girl would be go hungry. Little black girls and white girls will be in the streets dancing together like sweet harmony. The children of my country would get great education because their generation is our future. They would learn French, English, German, and Mathematics, History, Physical Education, and Sciences. Our country would work hard to attract tourism and repay our WWI reparations. Hitlers name would change for the better and he would be known as a saint. I would detour the acts of history and make Germany known for its acts of kindness and bravery to help others. As well as Germany would be a power house and have a very effective and sustainable economy. The standard of living for everyone that lived in Germany would be high and no one would be hungry or be in pain. If I were Hitler the world would change for the better of mankind.